A Mary Season

The Corona Virus has the world at a stand still. Our daily routines radically changed over night as the world has shutdown to enforce self-isolation measures. Many of us never thought it would have come to this, but here we are. Life in quarantine is definitely not ideal, nevertheless I believe it has created an unique opportunity. For many of us live our lives on a treadmill. The term “I am so busy” is used now more than ever. We jam pack our schedules with seemingly important things never taking a moment to just be still. I have to wonder if the pace we choose to live our lives is simply a way to avoid the whispers from the Holy Spirit asking us to draw closer. We all have issues we struggle with, yet many opt for “being busy” rather than dealing with issues that plague us. This momentary pause may not be what you want, but it could possibly be exactly what you need.

Before the global pandemic I would say I was fairly occupied.  I worked part time at a non-profit agency working with children. There were occasional fluctuation with respect to hours; I would work full days during certain times of the years. I went to the gym regularly and did my best to eat a healthy diet ie food prep, grocery shopping, etc. In addition to that I took guitar lessons and also started a Christian Apparel business. I created t-shirts, hoodie, etc, and was in the process of creating content for podcast as well as other products which would further expand the brand later on in the year. I was, and am still, actively involved in my church and make it a point to spend time in the Lord’s presence, and daily read His Word. However in doing all of this I feel a self-assessment is in order.

The bible shares the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). Depending on the season in your life you can find yourself being either one; Marybasking at the feet of Jesus or Marthaworking hard seeing that certain necessary jobs get done. And although I not apposed to hard work it is dangerous to live in constant work mode never dealing with the issues and challenging that tend to weigh us down internally. Hebrews 12:1 (TPT) refers to it as the letting “go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into.” So many hide behind tasks, work and busyness all the while never dealing with the crippling pain within them. There is a sense of unworthiness if they are not doing something. Their source of validation primarily comes through doing tasks or jobs. It makes them feel productive, important or useful. They will break their back to get jobs done and sacrifice pieces of themselves to the point of it being detrimental to their wellbeing. All they really desire is a deeper level of healing and worthiness. This is the driving force behind everything they do. This is why it is imperative to periodically have moments be Mary.

In this time of quarantine we have been given the opportunity to be Mary. For a season we get to sit at His and soak in the truth of who His is while allowing Him to remind us of who we are. I have no doubt when the quarantine is over we will be working hard once again. We ALL have to be Martha at some point, if not nothing will ever get accomplished. Nevertheless working and being productive should not come at the cost of our inner healing. The corona virus was not sent by God nor will it stop His ability to work in your life. It just so happens this season is a by product of a situation that is beyond our control, so why not use it?!

I encourage you to send this time seeking God and worship in His presence.  The issues which always seemed be too difficult to face can be addressed with ease away from the daily strain of a demanding schedule. 

I pray after the pandemic you will walk in a greater level of wholeness and confidence in who you are in Christ 

Thank you for joining the journey 

Know you are loved,

Little Rose

For Women By Women

Everybody’s story starts somewhere. We often do not realize how noteworthy it really is until after the fact. We share what we know and understand not ever truly comprehending the magnitude of what God is doing. But as we go along living every day life we step into a new chapter we were never expecting, and that is when it all begins to makes sense. The script changes and hindsight kicks in. This was His plan the entire time. How often do we miss it?  It usually is taking too long for our liking, the process is too painful or it is just simply not working out how we thought it would. Needless to say time is a gift and God is gracious enough to extend it so we can heal, recover and hopefully come around to seeing things through His eyes. And this is where I now find myself; seeing through fresh eyes.

Little Rose was always meant to symbolize the strength and beauty we as women have in Jesus Christ. Little Rose was founded to not only share my personal story, but the one that we as women all share.  A life of faith, hope, struggle, pain, adversity and triumph.  We have all these things (and more) as we continue to persevere and place our trust in God and His Word. The Little Rose Apparel (clothing line) is a outward display reflecting the truth we as women ought to boldly declare daily over our lives. We are more than the roles we fill, how we look or the children we raise.  We a have a story.  My hope is that through this blog you will see yourself in what it shared and find hope, strength and encouragement. Periodically I will feature other women and give them an opportunity to share their story, and how there faith in Jesus caused them to overcome.

When you read this blog I want you to feel known. There is so much that unites us.  Many of our struggles are so similar. This platform will be used to highlight those issues and point us to a God that sees and knows, and who is with us through it ALL! There is a quote that says “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God” (Timothy Keller). What a powerful truth! To be fully known and truly loved by God is all the empowerment you need to face the challenges of life.

I look forward to sharing the stories of others as well as my own in light of God, His Word and the miracle that is the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for joining the journey 

Know you are loved,

Little Rose