Greater Is He

I have often doubted the ability of God’s power to work on my behalf. It sounds like a weird thing to say considering everything He has enabled me to overcome. From homelessness to poverty, loss, childhood abuse to depression; the Lord has strengthen me to beat the odds that under normal circumstances would have been impossible. Yet whenever I am faced with a new challenge or difficulty my faith seems to topple over like a house of cards. I find it hard to see my way through and that is when the doubts come in. Memories of past traumas flood my mind like a tsunami. This hinders my ability to maintain the right perspective. Now haven previously spoken on the topic of blinders and the need for them, especially when breathing a dream, a word came to my heart. Greater Is He

1 John 4:4b says “Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” He, being God, is greater. The power of the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, is greater. But greater than what? Greater than any circumstance, challenge, situation, sickness, financial problem or whatever else life throws at you. This concept is rather difficult for our finite minds to comprehend.  Looking back now I see that my thinking was immature. Any time life got hard or daunting circumstances presented themselves I would blame God; as if He was punishing me. I would behave like Job and launch into accusation mode as though God was responsible for what happening and was actively working against me. However this also got me thinking about Mark 6:52

Mark 6:52 says “For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.”  The disciples witnessed Jesus perform many miracles.  They themselves even participated in bringing some of these miracles about, and yet their hearts were hard. The disciples saw the miracle of the fish and loaves, but when they were instructed to set sail to the next destination they quickly forgot about the miracle that they just witnessed. When the winds arose they were overwhelmed and feared for their lives. I too sometimes do not understand, and unfortunately when you do not understand is it easier forget and minimize the significance of things. 

Last month God performed a miracle for me. I desperately needed provision and out of no where there it was; exactly what I needed. But I was so caught up with my situation and that the miracle only provided a temporary solution I failed to understand its significance.  That God, yet again, proved that He is greater. He hears me when I call, and He is faithful to answer prayer. Nothing can stop Him or His hand. My prayer for all of us is this. That we would take the time to search our hearts and repent for having hard hearts. I am asking God to open the eyes of our understanding; that we would continually and daily makes note of what He has done – big or small; To understand the significance of what He says and does. And, lastly my earnest prayer is for us to not limit God’s power at work in our lives. For Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world!!

There is nothing can not do in and through our lives because God is GREATER!!

Praying and Believing For You!!




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Even though I am not an American citizen and have never lived in the United States I most certainly have heard the term “The American Dream.” The vision of having a better life and the opportunity to build it from the ground up. The words on the Statue of Liberty also come to mind: 

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Whether poor, homeless, or tired all can are welcome and given the chance to build a new life; to pursue the American dream. However as believer we have similar and even greater opportunity. 

Having been set free from the power of sin and our access to the Father restored we now are afford the privilege of being sons or daughters of the most High God. With this blessing we become members of the Body of Christ, and therein lies our purpose. We are all created with a unique design, which also encompasses our God-give purpose. But with so much going on in our lives and distraction all around us how can one do or accomplish the thing(s) God has called them to do? And it occurred to me; Blinders.

Blinders, or originally known as Blinkers, are used on horses. These are pieces of horse tack used to prevent the horse from seeing to the rear and, in some cases to the side. They help horses stay focused in a race and block out distraction for carriage horses when on the road. This got me thinking about Proverbs 4:25-26. It says “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.”  As we are advancing in birthing the dream the Lord has placed in our hearts we must stay focused. But how stay does one focused? By “keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith” (Hebrews 12:2a). We can not let your hardships, lack of resources or any obstacle we face hinder our resolve. As the words on the Statue of Liberty in New York City is a symbol of hope to those entering the United States of America, so is God’s Word to us as Christians. The Word of God is our eternal hope and will strengthen us as we endure. 

How do I work towards my dream when it gets hard? Is it possible to work passed natural circumstances that consistently scream the complete opposite of what God has said? In the past I have always buckled because I have grappled to keep my focus. I have not always remained steadfast or blocked out contrary thoughts/opinions. However no matter what I have done what God has said has remained the same. So this is a word I personally needed. This is a season to put on Blinders and do the work. To actively and consistently cooperate with the Holy and take the necessary steps to see your dream become a reality.

It is my prayer that you too put on blinders and stay focused. Do not allow any form of distraction to get you sidetracked. What God has asked you to do may seem impossible, however with God ALL things are possible. Be committed to doing your part and leave the results in the hand of the Lord.

Thank you much for reading




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Birthing A Dream

Happy New Year Everyone!! With 2024 in full gear there is so much I want to share….

Since my last post – The Way Up Is Down – I have been seeking to Lord regarding what’s next. With no full-time or part-time job offer on the horizon I am forced to look for or create business opportunities for myself. Truth be told I have always felt a pull towards entrepreneurship, however the thought of it never appealed to me. My father failed at it his whole life. He was unsuccessful in business, and at being an employee whenever he was one. His life is a monument to multiple failed business ventures and enumerable bad decisions. When I first accepted the Lord back then all I wanted was a job. Nothing fancy, just a job to prove to myself I was not a failure and that I had actually had something of value to offer. I also greatly desired stability, something my life lacked. I thought a job would give me that. 

However as I moved through life there have been moments where I knew I was supposed to be doing more. Everywhere I have ever worked I have been graciously accepted. My work contributions respected and held in high esteemed, yet with any job there are limits on how far you can go and how much creative freedom your are allowed to have. The thought of being an entrepreneur would cross my mind every now and then, but I would dismiss it. I have never seen anyone be successful at it, not ever own my father. Plus, there is no stability in it or so I thought. Why would the Lord be leading into self employed? Is it possible to have success in an area where my father has failed?!

Before the start of 2024 the Lord made it clear to me now is the time. Regardless of my reservations or concerns it was time for me to step out, to build, and bring to life the things He has placed in my heart. Some of which I have tried before and failed, but I am not my father. I am destined to succeed! 

Recently we had a guest speaker at our church and he made us make this declaration. “Oh Lord, Grant me success.” The congregation was asked to repeat this statement a number times.  He also said the word that God has declared over us as individuals is settled in heaven. It is not subject to change, therefore it is up to us to come into a agreement with what God has already declared. Even the Lord’s prayer says “Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..” I deeply desire God’s will for my life, not partially, but fully. So here I am on the verge of yet another major change. Many details unknown. Unsure of what is to come, but my prayer is “Lord, lead me by Your Spirit. Let me clearly hear your instruction and quickly obey what you say.” 

As we all move forward in 2024 let this be our prayer because the 2024 is the year to birth your God given dream

I am praying for you and believing God’s best for you 




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