
Hello All!

Sorry for not posting the past two weeks. I have been busy with school and assignments. Who said working full-time and going to school would be easy?! Lol… 

Anyway I wanted to share a thought I had with you.

As a Christian and a child of God there are fundamental truth we ought to live by. With the Word of God as our foundation God had laid it out in what light we ought to see ourselves. However, when going through life’s challenges we can forget some fundamental truths. In fact loosing sight of who you are is not that abnormal. Personally I had moments where I forgot who I was, but thankfully God was right there to remind me. 

I am chosen! You are chosen! We are not here by accident and no matter what experiences we have had the fact we chosen will NEVER change! God hand picked you and loves just as you are. It can be difficult to remember when you are in the thick of it, but I encourage you to take a moment and pause. Breath. Say the name of Jesus, listen for the Lord to respond and be still. Recenter your heart and mind on the truth that you are chosen, God is with you and there is nothing you can face with the Lord on your side.

Have a great week and know you are blessed and high favoured


Spoon Fed

In a season when we are bombarded with so many messages the safest place is to go to the source.  It is a blessing to have a community of believers where you are connected; a faith based body of people where you can serve, be supported and receive counsel. However this does not negate you having to go to God for yourself. The Word of God is a manual for the life of a believer. It is the window to the heart and mind of God; giving wisdom, understanding and direction. Through our faith in Jesus Christ and the Cross we gain access to the God’s presence. This is where we build a relationship with the Lord cultivating our ability to hear and discern from the Holy Spirit. 

I enjoy hearing the preaching of the Word and immensely appreciate godly counsel, but Jeremiah 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” We have a divine invitation to seek out the Lord; to know Him personally and hear His voice for ourselves. He promises to answer when we call on Him. Do not live your life relying on someone else to spoon feed you God’s Word. Whatever messages you hear in church or receive through prophecy should really be a confirmation of what the Lord has already spoke to you in your one on one time with Him.

Scripture says we can freely and boldly come to the “throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16). Go to God in every instance, for whatever the reason. Whether you need direction, wisdom, comfort, knowledge, encouragement, love or hope the Father is ready and willing to answer you when you call. Don’t be a slave to the spoon!
