
Even though I am not an American citizen and have never lived in the United States I most certainly have heard the term “The American Dream.” The vision of having a better life and the opportunity to build it from the ground up. The words on the Statue of Liberty also come to mind: 

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Whether poor, homeless, or tired all can are welcome and given the chance to build a new life; to pursue the American dream. However as believer we have similar and even greater opportunity. 

Having been set free from the power of sin and our access to the Father restored we now are afford the privilege of being sons or daughters of the most High God. With this blessing we become members of the Body of Christ, and therein lies our purpose. We are all created with a unique design, which also encompasses our God-give purpose. But with so much going on in our lives and distraction all around us how can one do or accomplish the thing(s) God has called them to do? And it occurred to me; Blinders.

Blinders, or originally known as Blinkers, are used on horses. These are pieces of horse tack used to prevent the horse from seeing to the rear and, in some cases to the side. They help horses stay focused in a race and block out distraction for carriage horses when on the road. This got me thinking about Proverbs 4:25-26. It says “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.”  As we are advancing in birthing the dream the Lord has placed in our hearts we must stay focused. But how stay does one focused? By “keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith” (Hebrews 12:2a). We can not let your hardships, lack of resources or any obstacle we face hinder our resolve. As the words on the Statue of Liberty in New York City is a symbol of hope to those entering the United States of America, so is God’s Word to us as Christians. The Word of God is our eternal hope and will strengthen us as we endure. 

How do I work towards my dream when it gets hard? Is it possible to work passed natural circumstances that consistently scream the complete opposite of what God has said? In the past I have always buckled because I have grappled to keep my focus. I have not always remained steadfast or blocked out contrary thoughts/opinions. However no matter what I have done what God has said has remained the same. So this is a word I personally needed. This is a season to put on Blinders and do the work. To actively and consistently cooperate with the Holy and take the necessary steps to see your dream become a reality.

It is my prayer that you too put on blinders and stay focused. Do not allow any form of distraction to get you sidetracked. What God has asked you to do may seem impossible, however with God ALL things are possible. Be committed to doing your part and leave the results in the hand of the Lord.

Thank you much for reading




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