Building Wealth

As we are now in the month March we can say that almost a quarter of the year is done already! I don’t know about any of you, but so much seems to be going on, and all at the same time! If I’m honest I have been fighting to maintaining mental clarity. Thankfully I get to re-listen to and edit my podcast “The LittleRose Podcast.” The topic for week’s episode was the  “FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out.” I have to say recording podcast episodes on a regular basis you can forget what was discussed. Having to listen to them again for editing purposes helps me to fully benefit from what was discussed. It is my desire to not only create content, but to also grow and learn from the content I create. As I record weekly podcasts and work at my church two days a week I am still pursuing other employment opportunities. I am currently awaiting a response from another company regarding a part-time job. I have actually been waiting for a response from this company for quite some time which leads me to wonder if I ever will receive one. Nevertheless the delay had given me time to work through my mindset on being an entrepreneur. 

Daily working towards building my brand/business has forced me to look at the way I think and how my current mindsets limit my advancement. When you have spent so much of your life thinking and believing a job was the sole avenue to build a life and accumulate wealth launching out into the unknown as an entrepreneur can really be unsettling. Thankfully yesterday at church I was reminded of what the Word of God says in Deuteronomy 8:18.  It says “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” The book of Deuteronomy is a book of instruction, caution, warning and encouragement for the children of Israel. They were about to the cross the Jordan river and possess the promise land. This was the very land the Lord swore to give their ancestor Abraham. The Lord was reminding them that it is “I”, the Lord your God, who is giving you the power and ability to lay hold of the promise land and produce wealth. He was letting them know He would bless the work of their hands as long at they continue to put Him first and honour the covenant He made their ancestor Abraham. 

As I read this scripture it is rather difficult for me to conceive that wealth can be build through an idea or any type of business venture I choose to pursue. The stability of a paycheque eases the inner turmoil of having to face the unknown, even though I know nothing is a hundred percent secure. Needless to say my faith is being stretched! You hear of people having a idea and building a multi-million dollar company or at the very least a successful small business. I am praying to God for vision regarding my business. I know no one who has ever built a successful business. No one in my family has ever achieved anything other than job. No one in my family has ever build anything or produced wealth, yet God is positioning me to do just that! 

In this season of great change I have to be committed to learning new things and unlearning old ones to be better equipped to build the business God desires for me. I will continue to share this process with you all although it is immensely stretching, and at times overwhelming.

I pray reading this encourages you to seek God for vision and ideas that will propel your life and finances to the next level.




If you haven’t already make sure you check out the “LittleRose Podcast.” The link will be listed below.

When Everything And Nothing Makes Sense

Forgive me for the delay in posting. The past number of weeks there has been so much to process. Navigating through unemployment while building my business ie. brand development has forced me to pull on my creative side. I honestly am enjoying it, however it is a bit stretching. In addition to that I started working part-time at my church (two days a week). I help out with administrative tasks and with whatever else that needs to get done. Oddly enough I actually like it. It is nice to be in an environment where the soul purpose is to move the kingdom of God forward and serve the God’s people. Yet through all of this I feel very limited in what I have control over. As I continue to venture ahead there is no clear path. I long for a path that would reassure me that I am indeed doing the right thing and going in the right direction. Unfortunately that has not happened. I am learning to embrace the phase where Everything and Nothing Makes Sense.

I thought at this stage in my life certain details would have been sorted out. As much as I look forward, anticipating, what God will do I must confess I daily wake up with regret. I thought my life would be different, especially by now. I am sure many people the bible thought the same considering the promises the Lord gave them. Nevertheless I am committed to the potters wheel, to being transformed, and declaring and believing for what I do not see. The strange things in the mist of it all I can somehow see pieces falling into place. So here I am holding on. Doing what I know to do as I wait for the Lord to honour His word to me. Some days are good and others are just ok, but regardless I hold onto what the Lord has promised. Because I know one day very soon things will make much more sense than they do right now.

Be Encouraged 



Greater Is He

I have often doubted the ability of God’s power to work on my behalf. It sounds like a weird thing to say considering everything He has enabled me to overcome. From homelessness to poverty, loss, childhood abuse to depression; the Lord has strengthen me to beat the odds that under normal circumstances would have been impossible. Yet whenever I am faced with a new challenge or difficulty my faith seems to topple over like a house of cards. I find it hard to see my way through and that is when the doubts come in. Memories of past traumas flood my mind like a tsunami. This hinders my ability to maintain the right perspective. Now haven previously spoken on the topic of blinders and the need for them, especially when breathing a dream, a word came to my heart. Greater Is He

1 John 4:4b says “Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” He, being God, is greater. The power of the Holy Spirit, His Spirit, is greater. But greater than what? Greater than any circumstance, challenge, situation, sickness, financial problem or whatever else life throws at you. This concept is rather difficult for our finite minds to comprehend.  Looking back now I see that my thinking was immature. Any time life got hard or daunting circumstances presented themselves I would blame God; as if He was punishing me. I would behave like Job and launch into accusation mode as though God was responsible for what happening and was actively working against me. However this also got me thinking about Mark 6:52

Mark 6:52 says “For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.”  The disciples witnessed Jesus perform many miracles.  They themselves even participated in bringing some of these miracles about, and yet their hearts were hard. The disciples saw the miracle of the fish and loaves, but when they were instructed to set sail to the next destination they quickly forgot about the miracle that they just witnessed. When the winds arose they were overwhelmed and feared for their lives. I too sometimes do not understand, and unfortunately when you do not understand is it easier forget and minimize the significance of things. 

Last month God performed a miracle for me. I desperately needed provision and out of no where there it was; exactly what I needed. But I was so caught up with my situation and that the miracle only provided a temporary solution I failed to understand its significance.  That God, yet again, proved that He is greater. He hears me when I call, and He is faithful to answer prayer. Nothing can stop Him or His hand. My prayer for all of us is this. That we would take the time to search our hearts and repent for having hard hearts. I am asking God to open the eyes of our understanding; that we would continually and daily makes note of what He has done – big or small; To understand the significance of what He says and does. And, lastly my earnest prayer is for us to not limit God’s power at work in our lives. For Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world!!

There is nothing can not do in and through our lives because God is GREATER!!

Praying and Believing For You!!




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The Way Up is Down

As we inch closer to the end of 2023 there is an anticipation. I am strongly compelled to prepare my heart for what God is about to do. Making strides to be prepared is of the upmost importance. In an effort to do this and remain on track I am taking a Foundational Teaching Series offered in my church. Through reorienting myself with fundamentals of my faith the Lord is teaching me so much about myself. With each class I survey the landscape of my life. So many years of struggle and many hard lessons have been learned. At one point I had given up hope that it would ever change. It always felt as though I was destined to a life of hardship, trial, and nothing else! Thankfully this is obviously not the case. God is about to release a measure of blessing on those who are seeking His kingdom and that are willing to humbly posture themselves to receive.

James 4:6 (NKJV) says “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” The Holy Spirit recently reminded me that in the Kingdom of God it is through humility one make their way up. Humidity is the way to promotion and blessings. 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV) encourages us also by saying “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” The blessing is coming. Promotion is coming. The abundance of heaven is about to be poured out, but will we have the character to manage it well. These are the questions I have been asking myself as of late. It is my prayer that both you and I will handle the blessings of God with great care and reverence.

I recently started recording episodes for a podcast I am launching on October 10th (which is next week!!). I originally had the idea for a podcast in October 2019, however I felt to put on hold until now. It is something I believe God has placed in my heart to do. It is my prayer and deepest desire that you will be encouraged, challenged and empowered through this podcast. It will be available on Apple and Spotify. Make sure to check it out!!

Continuing to pray for you as you seek His Kingdom 

