Truth In The Inward Parts

Have you had one of those weeks where your emotions were all over the place? When you had to pray more fervently just to get clarity? I have had to linger a bit longer at the feet of Jesus this week. There were a fews situations which caught me off guard and that left me deeply unsettled. Although I know, somehow, it will work itself out it has unearthed something within. Needless to say I have written and re-written this blog several times. I grapple through what I feel verses what should be penned out for the others to read. So I am giving you a heads up! What I am about to share may be a little raw, but I know this time of self-isolation God desires to address the deeper issues which concerns us. He is looking for Truth In The Inward Parts.

I recently had to acknowledge my need for external approval and how shaken I become when I am on the receiving end of someone’s disapproval. We all want to be liked and accepted. It is an natural desire, one I believe God has given us. However if the foundation of who you are is not rooted in the Word of God and what it says about you, you can find yourself standing on shaky ground. In times past I have found myself in many situations where I was taken advantage of and endured abuse simply because I did not have the courage to stand up for myself. I was crippled by the fear of potential outbursts, public humiliation, being physically attacked or left alone with no one to rely on. You would be surprised how many subject themselves to horrific treatment simply because they fear public humiliation or being left alone. They fear the shame of being the topic of peoples conversations.

As I continue to live most of my life in doors I am becoming more increasingly aware of how our thought lives affect the quality of our daily lives. This can obviously be challenging when we are presented with problems which brush against sensitive areas or where we already have had unpleasant past experiences. As I watched service online ( I am reminded how our thoughts influence our emotions, therefore impacting our decisions. This is a time, as I have said before, to take stock of one’s own inner condition. To go before God and co-operate with the Holy Spirit. It is time to CLEAN HOUSE; our spiritual house. 

I cry out to God. I desperately need Him! There is no future without Him in it. I need Him to change me. Every area, past or present, must be transformed. With a global pandemic and heighten racial tension lean closer to your Maker. Filter all your thoughts and emotions through Him.

No clear cut answers end, just sharing what is on my heart……

Thank you for joining the journey 

Know you are loved,

Little Rose

Published by

Little Rose

Lover of the King, Writer, Clothing Designer & Content Creator

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