Leadership and Offence

We are living in unprecedented times. A pandemic has taken the world by storm. World leaders have had to guide their countrymen through uncharted waters. It is not an easy job being a political leader in this current climate. So many decisions to make, so many things to take into consideration; it is a balancing act that even the most seasoned leader will at times not get it right. This is also true of Pastoral and Church Leadership. The notion that they get it right all the time simply absurd, yet some feel fiery judgement should come the times they fail. Sadly this is what people expect. Today I want to provide a little insight to the level of accountability placed on pastoral/church leadership, and a small caution to guard yourself from offence.

First off I want to talk about the level of accountability Pastors and church leaders have according to the bible.  Romans 14:12 says “So then, each of us will give an account for ourselves to God.”  Now let me be clear. This does apply to everyone, whether you are a pastor/church leader or not. Pastors and church leaders will be held to this baseline level of accountability, along with everyone else, right off the jump.  Hebrews 13:7 also says “...for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account…”. Speaking to their role, responsibilities and accountability. “They” meaning pastoral/church leadership, “keeping watch” referring to roles/responsibilities and “give an account” speaking to accountability. Their responsibilities also cover giving correction, rebukes, preaching the word and offering encouragement through sound teaching (2 Timothy 4:2). All this being said leaders and Pastor are people. They have weaknesses and flaws, but desire to answer and fulfill the call of God on their lives. Each one has had to count the cost to follow God and has said “yes” to His will. James 3:1Not many of your should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” Another version says “ receive greater judgment.” Regardless of their level of weakness they have agreed to this level of accountability. Ministers of the Gospel, Pastors or church leaders do not get a free pass. Despite what you may think or what you have experience it just does not happen. 

I know this topic is different from what I normally write about, but I felt led to share this. We live in the age of offence. It is leading many to do and say things that they normally would never consider. Offence is a dangerous thing and whether perceived or legitimate please do not loose sight of God’s hand in your life. The weight of responsibility Pastors and Leaders have when running a Church or Ministry is monumental. Take your issue to the Lord and/or to the person directly involved. There is life after offence. Do not let it cloud your judgement. Do not buy into the lie. God is faithful even when men fail. Also pray for Pastors or leaders involved. They are dealing with enormous pressure and are doing their best to honour God, and uphold the standard God has set before them. Extend grace where you can and in the mean time press into God for comfort, healing and strength. Clarity will come in time

Thank you for joining the journey 

Know you are loved,

Little Rose


In His Hands

In a time where we are all forced to be still I have to say I personally struggle internally. Being on my own since I was fifteen and having pretty much raised myself it has always been challenging to wait on anybody for anything. Furthermore, to rely completely on and trust the Lord to follow through with things has always been a stretch in my mind. Although His track record is perfect and I continue to declare the truth of His Word I do wrestle with my flesh. Now with everything being up in the air and all plans coming to a screeching halt I am without anything to do. I know without a doubt that God is up to something, but there a choice to make. To wait and leave everything In His Hands or to make something happen on my own.

In 1 Samuel 13:9-14 Saul failed to wait and presumptuously acted causing God to shorten the length of his reign as king. Impatience and lack of faith came at a great cost. To wait on God, trusting Him to move at the right time is a battle of your will. The world tells women “you do not have to wait on anyone for anything” and that “you can do it all yourself.” This is their definition of female empowerment. However this is an incorrect understanding of empowerment. Empowerment is not a matter of self will; a blatantly licence do whatever you please. Saul’s life is proof of that. Real empowerment is relying solely on God and His Spirit to lead and guide you. To turn to Him for strength, instruction and wisdom. Yielding your will to His maybe difficult at times, however it brings unspeakable blessing, peace and joy.

On the heels of making the most of my Mary moments I thought it would be fitting to share this. We live in time where women are given a distorted a message. Nevertheless, the message of female empowerment does hold some degree of truth. Women are incredibly insightful and complex. We possess beauty that goes beyond the exterior. It is our natural instinct to nurture, fostering growth and development in those around us. Sacrificing is in our DNA along with the inner strength enabling us to “will” ourselves to whatever we set our minds to. But there is another side to this. Willfulness is sin and a lack of patience on display. One full of regret and consequences that can not be avoided.

This is a season for great blessing, but it is not without the element of choice. My prayer is we all will take time to wait on God. This time of seemingly inactivity the promise is not lost, it is actually being prepared. Therefore learn from the life of Saul; it is written for our benefit. I for one can not afford to make the same mistake……  

Thank you for joining the journey 

Know you are loved,

Little Rose